Organotypic brain slice culture : Organotypic brain slice culture : Prospect of a human model in preclinical drug development
Brain: No-human in-vivo model The human brain is one of the most convoluted organs. Contemporaneously, in-vivo
Brain: No-human in-vivo model The human brain is one of the most convoluted organs. Contemporaneously, in-vivo
Breast Biopsies and Breast Cancer Breast cancer is the most common female cancer worldwide with the
The Liver: Overview, Histology and Pathology The liver (Fig. 1) is the largest organ in the
Intestine: Overview, Histology and Pathology The intestine is the largest part of the alimentary canal, which
Skeletal Muscle: Overview, Histology, and Pathology Muscle tissue represents one of the four tissue in the
A complex human gut microbiome cultured in anaerobic intestine-on-a-chip A recently published paper on Nature biomedical engineering highlights
Why and how? From 2D to 3D cell cultures : The main issues found while using
Cherry Biotech Organ-on-a-Chip technologies mentioned as an alternative to animal drug testing by Yannick Jadot during
Context Solid tumors are characterized by areas of hypoxic tissue heterogeneously distributed inside the tumor mass.
The tumor microenvironment (TME) is a complex biochemical network that includes multiple factors surrounding tumor cells,
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