PLAST_CELL – EIC Pathfinder Project

PLAST_CELL eic pathfinder project

EIC Pathfinder

PLAST_CELL is an EIC pathfinder project to develop a novel approach for assessing and quantifying a cancer cell’s ability to respond to environmental stress that threatens its survival, a key indicator of tumour progression and aggressiveness.


Our role

Expected Results

Figure 1: Highly metastatic mouse cancer cells under mechanical confinement. Credit: Chiara Cannatá, IMIM & Fabio Pezzano, CRG
Figure 1: Highly metastatic mouse cancer cells under mechanical confinement. Credit: Chiara Cannatá, IMIM & Fabio Pezzano, CRG
Figure 2- Representation of the different stages of cell plasticity in relation to tumour stage


This project has been funded by The European Union, under the grant agreement n° 101046620.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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Our expertise combines Microfluidic, 3DCell culture, Microscopy, Omics and artificial intelligence.
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