Active Matter: From Fundamental Science to Technological Applications


Active Matter

The ActiveMatter Network is composed by 14 Beneficiaries and 9 Partner Organisations from 9 different countries, and focuses on experimental, theoretical and computational aspects of active matter.

ActiveMatter will have a duration of 48 months, and offer 15 Early Stage Researcher positions, of 36 months each, on several projects in the field of active matter [1].


Our role

Expected Results

Figure 1: Phase contrast and fluorescent images of endothelial cells under shear stress of 200ul/min. The green fluorescence is CD31, which stains the plasma membrane, and the red one is actin555, which stains the actin filaments.


start a project with us

Our expertise combines Microfluidic, 3DCell culture, Microscopy, Omics and artificial intelligence.
Let’s get intouch to see how we can collaborate for future projects

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